C-Band Satellite Radio

C-Band Satellite Radio is a state-of-the-art communication system developed specifically for Cubesat nano-satellites. The system will provide a broadband communication link between the satellite and the ground station operating in C-band, allowing for fast and efficient download of big data volumes from the orbit.

The project has been implemented at Poznań University of Technology (PUT) in cooperation with SatRev company, a leading Polish space sector SME. It has been founded by Polish National Research and Development Center under the grant no POIR.01.01.01-00-1211/19 entitled Universal nanosatellite platform for research, experimental and commercial type hosted payload missions (or PW6U).

The system operates in C-band (5830-5850MHz), which was assigned by ITU for amateur space-to-ground communication on the secondary basis. Therefore, all system details are publicly available and the corresponding software is open-source (under GNU GPL v3 license).

To receive the data transmitted from the satellite a parabolic tracking antenna operating at 5830-5850MHz is necessary. The receiver is implemented using SDR technique and may run on a regular PC with a GnuRadio installed. The computer must have internet access to transmit the decoded frames to our server. We encourage all radio amateurs willing to participate in the project to contact us for further details.

The Cubesat satellite hosting our transmitter module should start its operation at the beginning of 2024.

List of documents:

  1. CS.S1.Gen System specification v1.0
  2. CS.S2.SR Transmitter module v1.0
  3. CS.S3.SR Commands and status info v1.0
  4. CS.S4.Gen Ground station v.1.0.3 – public
  5. CS.S5.Gen Transmission and reception v1.0
  6. CS.S6.Gen Channel modelling v1.0
  7. CS.S7.Gen Receiver module v1.0
  8. CS.S8.Gen Communication protocol v1.0
  9. AMSAT-IARU_Link_Model_Rev2.5.5 PW6U downlink

Software repository:


Contact person:

Rafał Krenz (project manager)

e-mail: rafal.krenz@put.poznan.pl